Immediately her sweet style of art tugged at my heartstrings as it is so endearing,...reminding us all of the cherished memories and fantasies we had as children.
* Tell us a bit about yourself : My name is Tanya Newbery. I was born in England , raised in Utah . I attended public school up until high school, at which point I requested to attend a private school. It was nice to see the contrast in education styles. I have degrees in both English and Social Work, and a minor in Philosophy. Other little tidbits about me: I love tattoos, but am far to chicken to get one myself. I also have a secret desire to join a roller derby league, but again my chicken factor kicks in!
* What inspires you? A majority of my inspiration comes from my childhood. My childhood was just as I would have wanted it to be. I love watching children experience the same sense of wonder that I once had. Only now I get to see it from a new perspective. I can think of very few things that are better than the look of pure joy and wonderment when you watch a child engaged in magical thinking.
* Apart from creating things, what do you do for fun? I have a tight knit group of friends and family that I cannot imagine life without. I love a healthy debate, which for me means a thought stimulating argument with some healthy shouting sprinkled throughout. I love learning new things, for example I want to take up organic farming, sewing, soap making, beer brewing, felting, baking artisan breads, and the list goes on an on and on. It’s almost like creative ADHD. I also belong to a community service organization, Altrusa International, which places a strong focus on improving literacy rates and giving back to the local community.
* What has been your most memorable moment selling your art? I’m sure it’s a common one for many, but I think the most memorable moment in selling my art was my very first sale. I believe it was a red and gold poppy painting. I was ecstatic to see that someone actually desired and valued something that came from me. Your friends and family may say “wow, that’s really something,” but for me I needed to hear that echoed from somebody I had never met.
* Any advice for fellow artists? I remember going through all of my schooling and NEVER receiving any encouragement to be artistic. I was labeled as logical which seemed to imply uncreative. I was not one to pick up crayons and paper and pump out a masterpiece.
Instead, I read Dr. Seuss and Ranger Rick Magazine. In high school my two favorite courses were Art History and Humanities. I had a passion for art, in that I admired it deeply, but somehow bought into the labels that were applied to me. It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I began attempting to paint and surprisingly discovered that there is a great deal of logic that goes into painting. So my advice would be to follow your desire without buying into labels and avoid labeling at all costs!
Etsy Shop: Gumball Grenade
Wow! Thanks so much for the feature! So greatful to be featured along side such wonderful aretists!
her work is so beautiful! she is going straight to my favourites :)
Great profile! I'm very impressed with her work.
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