Update: The winner of my "Where's the Party" mini print is THIS OLD HEN HOUSE. Congratulations! You can still get your own print by going to my shop. Thanks to all of you who entered.
◦ ◦ ○ "Where's the Party" Mini Print! ○ ◦ ◦★ ★ ★ ★
I love this painting and I love to give things to you..., so I've decided to have a

I am giving away a free mini-print of my painting entitled "Where's the Party"
All you have to do to enter is...
Leave a comment in this post with a clear way for me to get in contact with you should you be the winner.
This contest is open to everyone and I will ship to anyone, wherever you may be in the world. I will pay shipping too!
One entry per person, please. Comments in other posts will not be counted.
Duplicates will be deleted. :)
The drawing for this give-a-way will be held once this post reaches 50 comments.
I will then enter all of you Pretties by writing your names on paper and picking the winner's name out of a hat...the old-fashioned way! Winner will be announced here and contacted.
So, do not delay, enter today...and best of luck to you!
Is being the first to comment a sign that Baby Jesus will love me today and let me win win win? Or am I just being delusional? Lol.
You can reach me, if by chance I turn out to be the million dollar winner on Etsy. I'm buyer katiedoodah.
Yay for contests!
lovely print!! kewl contest
You have captured my sister perfectly. This is an awesome print. :)
Ooooh I can't turn away from a giveaway!!! And for such a great print too! You can email me (if you pick me) at brideoffrank @ gmail dot com
Cute!! I would love it if you were to stick my name in that old-fashioned hat of yours!! Thanks.
Smiles, Karen
You can convo me at Etsy too, if I win--misseskwittys.etsy
Just wandered upon your part of the world and I'll be vacationing here quite often!
I found you through indie-pendence. Love your work! I was just talking to myself tonight about our two different sides and how to blend the edges a bit. ;) I think you have done an excellent job blending your edges! Embrace the inner Gemini~
I found you from Mary Anns blog indie-pendence!! I love your prints and all your dirty pretty things... lol!! please add me to your hat!
Hola, I'm feeling lucky. Sounds like a bunch of fun. Maybe I'll win it. Afterall it is the way I originally found you on etsy. Cheers and best wishes your way. Rock on girl! Have a great weekend.
"Keeping inspired."
Oh I love it! :)
You can contact me on Etsy: http://tizzalicious.etsy.com
I love your blog! And I featured your shop in mine today!
Very nice print.
Thank you for offering this great give-a-way! Who doesn't like free things?
OOoohhh please enter me! That girl looks like me!!LOL! I LOVE your work! Sandy:)
Throw me in the hat too.
I am a big fan of yours already...From the first day here on ETSY..Its an honor to post on this blog..Of course I want to win but I am so glad I found this blog..Making it a favorite..
Love Lizzie
Pick Me! Pick Me!!!
Rockin blog, and your work is awesome. This would look Oh-so lovely in my bedroom which is all black and white so send me some color!
This print is such a wonderful contest giveaway! I can't wait to host my own contest :) Love your blog.
Is it just me or does she kind of look like Madonna?
I'm buyer tmeyer66 on Etsy :) I love your art!
That print would look just splendid in my home studio! You can email me at micawberdesigns[at]gmail.com WHEN I win! Hehehhee!
I'd like to join in the fun. I enjoy your reading your blog- very entertaining with a nice diverse mixture of topics.
Your Party girl has a very Madonnaesque look to her. Great style!
Oh man, I just stumbled across your blog this morning. And I am so glad I did, a chance to win that beautiful painting? Man my morning is off to a good start. I'm crossing my fingers, I hope I win.
If I do win you can contact me on my blog Myartinprogress
oooh giveaway! Thanks for the headsup, raven..I love the print! :-)
You are very talented. Love the print!
ooooh me me me me!!
or etsy convo of course :-)
Love this mini print! thank you for entering my giveaway! :)
Wow, I'd love to win! The girl in the print reminds me of my daugher, except that she has brown hair - originally anyway -- it changes often. I think it's the eyes and the shape of her face - exotic.
If I win you can leave a comment on my blog, which you should visit in any case as I am having a free giveaway as well, which ends this Saturday. Come by and leave a comment.
- Theresa
Sign me up, buttercup!
Such a fun contest!! Please enter me! You can contact me on Etsy (I'm Hurdler4eva!) or via email at hurdler4eva at gmail dot com
Where's the Party?? At my house of course....
Love the print...Pick me :)
Very cute! Thanks for the comment and hope I win!!
hi raven! i am checking out the links from my plugboard today, and here i am :) great blog! you can find me at emariejewelry.etsy.com
Cute print. Throw my name in the hat if it's not to late.
Very cool print. I would love to be entered. You can email me at cindysark@yahoo.com. Thanks!
What a great print, I love it. And, by the way, a thoughtful giveaway. I am new to your blog, found you via jlcstudio.
I look forward to hopefully winning this one:)
I love your pinkalicious blog!
Great blog, love the print!!! You can reach me on my blog, thanks!! Or if you prefer, etsy convo - ara133photography! :)
Great Blog and FAB contest!!!
i hope i'm a winner...just convo me at my Etsy shop...thankx :D
I'm posting to win your lovely give-a-way! Beautiful print, I'd like to have it!!
That looks just like my mother when I imitate her! :-) Nice picture!
Love discovering different artists and their work. Thank you for showing us your work! If I win, my username on Etsy is fougyoum...
Oooooh what a great print and a cool contest!
Please add my name to that hat of yours! ; )
You can contact me through my blog Saysie or at saysie.etsy.com
Wonderful print. Great colors!
I love your blog too.
Have a great day.
this is an awesome print! what a great contest! i'd love to be entered! you an find me on etsy too - http://missknits.etsy.com
great work. i love your etsy shop.
maybe i'll win!
Awesome print! Please enter me in your giveaway. :)
Well I am near the end of the list and I hope that this is a good sign! You can reach me on my blog. And your link is currrenty listed on mines! Thanks again!
Love the look of your blog, and I hope I make the 50 post cut off, but incase I don't...I still enjoyed my visit.
Thanks so much for entering everyone!
...and the winner of my "Where's The Party" Mini Print Give-a-Way is:
Please be sure to check out this week's give-a-way for another chance to win!
Love your print! Thanks.
Your work is fabulous! I would love to win :)
awesome print! and I love your little plushies!!
come visit my blog sometime!
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