Update: The winner of my "Where's the Party" mini print is THIS OLD HEN HOUSE. Congratulations! You can still get your own print by going to my shop. Thanks to all of you who entered.
◦ ◦ ○ "Where's the Party" Mini Print! ○ ◦ ◦★ ★ ★ ★
I love this painting and I love to give things to you..., so I've decided to have a

I am giving away a free mini-print of my painting entitled "Where's the Party"
All you have to do to enter is...
Leave a comment in this post with a clear way for me to get in contact with you should you be the winner.
This contest is open to everyone and I will ship to anyone, wherever you may be in the world. I will pay shipping too!
One entry per person, please. Comments in other posts will not be counted.
Duplicates will be deleted. :)
The drawing for this give-a-way will be held once this post reaches 50 comments.
I will then enter all of you Pretties by writing your names on paper and picking the winner's name out of a hat...the old-fashioned way! Winner will be announced here and contacted.
So, do not delay, enter today...and best of luck to you!