After a relentless battle with lots of pornographic spam on our loverly blog and some much needed downtime from blogging, we are here to let you know that Dirty Pretty Things will be back up and blogging very soon...but with a re-vamp.
In the meanwhile, we'd love to hear what YOU would like to see more of in the future, so take our poll...and feel free to comment on other things not listed here:
Everyone who takes our poll and comments on this post will be entered to win 2 sample sizes of Dirty Pretty Things Dead Sea Salt Bath Soak in the scents of their choice. Go to my shop to pick your faves and make sure to leave a way for us to contact you!
✿ For extra entries into this give-a-way...
1 } Get ONE extra entry by following my blog. Post here that you are a follower.
2} Get TWO extra entries by doing a write up about this give-a-way on your blog. Your feature must include the give-a-way picture to count.
3} Get TEN extra entries by making a purchase with Dirty Pretty Things during the contest week.
1 } Get ONE extra entry by following my blog. Post here that you are a follower.
2} Get TWO extra entries by doing a write up about this give-a-way on your blog. Your feature must include the give-a-way picture to count.
3} Get TEN extra entries by making a purchase with Dirty Pretty Things during the contest week.
4} Get TWO extra entries by leaving a comment on our new post here: http://ravenxxxx.blogspot.com/2010/04/youre-invitedspring-2010-brewery.html
❤ ❤ ❤
Most Important Details...If your favourite item by Dirty Pretty Things is not part of your comment and some sort of viable contact information is not included, your entry will be disqualified. I will make sure all extra entries are entered into the give-a-way. All entries are handwritten by me, so I DO check every single entry and comment. All entries for this give-a-way must be received by 12.00 midnite on Monday, April 19th, 2010 PST. There is a clock on the right side of this blog so that you may check Los Angeles {PST} time.The winner's name is drawn randomly by hand. Give-a-way is shipped out via the artist when winner is chosen. Value of prize is $5.00 and may not be exchanged. Samples sizes are sent in plastic pouches and are not as pictured in glass. This contest is open to everyone, everywhere.
Best of luck to you, my Pretties!